Chris Chucas

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Surfaces and Strategies Week 8 Workshop Considerations

Workshop considerations

This week there have been a few discussions about workshops and the role that they have with photographers. As I’ve mentioned before it’s not something that has been part of my practice yet. That being said, after discussing with some of the lecturing staff, I think there could be potential to experiment with one. My first impressions of a ‘workshop’ are those workshops that photographers use to teach other photographers ways of working or technical aspects. This has never appealed to me and I’m always sceptical of them.

Workshops in a wider context can involve connecting artists with their audiences, enabling them to get direct feedback and even encouraging participation. I’m constantly looking at my relationship with the subject and audience within my practice. The idea I had for a potential workshop would be to go to a show where bands are playing, take portraits of people and print them onsite with a laser printer. Then I could place the prints up on a wall. It’s out of my normal methods and it would be an interesting exercise. The three elements combined; exhibition , publication, and workshop are all optional. Being a full time professional photographer and film maker and this being a part time course I’ve had to consider what is plausible. There just isn’t enough time for me to do all three. I am planning on going ahead with the exhibition and the publication but not the workshop. At least not this term.


Reflecting back and considering if I should implement any changes to the core methodology of my practice, I’ve concluded that I won’t right now. I’m quite happy with the progress of the work and how it’s been developing. I’ve spent a long time thinking about the way in which I work and my role as a photographer. I’m aware that my practice isn’t changing drastically throughout the course and at first I was worried this might be a lack of adaptiveness or even a stubbornness in adapting new ideas. I’m checking in with lecturing staff when I can to talk about it and they’ve been positive in feedback, this reconfirms my position. I’m always really worried about being stubborn or coming across as arrogant. I am getting more comfortable with sticking to my decisions. I feel confident in my practice and what I’m doing.