It's been too long-Mishka Shubaly with support @Gwdihw by Chris Chucas

It's been far too long since my last post. I've been busy wrapping up wedding work as well as doing some prep for my Ma in Documentary Photography that i'm due to start in Falmouth Uni this Jan. Like that wasn't enough on top of all that Becky and I might be buying our first house and I am having nose surgery in about 2 weeks. So all in all it's been mental.

DIY_Cardiff_documentary_Mishka_Shubaly_Punkrock_©Chris Chucas-2549_gwdihw._cardiff

I got talking to a good friend Gareth Jarvis, who is an insanely talented photographer that specializes in wet plate collodion images. You should definitely take a peek at his work here it's amazing. He was meeting Mishka Shubaly at the show before making a plate for him the following day. so I tagged along to have a break from editing. 

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I'm so glad I did becuase I managed to catch some great artists at Gwdihw. Support included The Doublecross, Andrew Skelton, Useless Eater, and Chris Ridire.


Useless Eater Michael Grindle (Deadlines, Rungus) giving it some with an acoustic. Check it out here.


Jon The Doublecross fresh from the album release last week switching things up with a few covers as well. 


Mishka was great I hadn't heard him before but brutally honest and beautifully dark is probably the only way I can describe him. he has a had a pretty crazy ride and told us a few stories, so many in fact he's wrote a book and book on sale. check him out here.

You can check him out on his UK tour there's dates all over the place including Falmouth my University town and old home of Bangers. It's great to see someone make the effort to get all the way down to Cornwall. 



Thanks for stopping by The next post will hopefully have more info on my Ma Project. Im not a reviewer go and listen to cool bands and make your own mind up.

Fuzz : ) 

Full UK dates below.


15 Nov – Ring o Bells, Bath w/ Glenn Wool

16 Nov – Gwdihw, Cardiff

17 Nov- Scary Canary, Stourbridge

18 Nov- Gryphon, Bristol

19 Nov- Circus Hostel, Berlin (Germany)

20 Nov- Hairy Dog, Derby

21 Nov- Underground, Plymouth

22 Nov- Toast, Falmouth

23 Nov- Rowbarge, Guildford

24 Nov- Henry Boons, Wakefield

25 Nov- Gulliver’s, MCR

26 Nov- Slaughtered Lamb, London

27 Nov- Latest Music Bar, Brighton


A goodbye letter to Bangers, by Chris Chucas

Dear Bangers,

Thank you for doing what you do and for doing it for so long. I'm really sad I can't make the last show today. Just a post to say thanks again for everything you've done. Your music has been a massive part of my life that always seems to echo thoughts and feelings on the world that I've shared with fast, loud ,( and for bonus points- Cornish) music that always makes me feel better for listening to it. I put a few videos and images together as it seemed fitting it being your last show.

You're great guys that I've had the pleasure of photographing, filming and chatting to over the years. I recall many a time listening to records at times in my life were I was freaking out and I always being able to refocus and reframe my perspective using music. You've been a big part of my work and a massive inspiration to me as person and an artist. 

Have a great show !


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The Start of the Video Blog by Chris Chucas

I like to keep on top of blog posts but with so much work coming in at the moment I decided to try out a video blog. I'm obviously used to being on the other side of the camera being a photographer and film maker but my philosophy is just work at it. Sure I might not be a well polished presenter-yet but it all takes practice. It's a fun way of keeping everyone in the loop with projects and tutorials that might help you out. 

In Summary. 

The Punk Rock Documentary, Bangers are playing their last show ever in London this Sat. It's all sold out and I can't make it because I have shoots planned. I've been following bangers for a few years since coming back to the UK. It was Roo (guitarist and vocals) who made me think about the documentary film i'm working on about the scene. So sad times but Specialist Subject isn;t going anywhere. 

Plural Eyes 4. I had Plural eyes 3 and after the latest Premiere Pro update, creative cloud, (15.3 release) I then found out that it wasn't supported. So I had to spend money on Plural Eyes 4. So if you're on a tight budget hold on until you can update it otherwise you can get caught out. 

Ma in Photography; I applied and got accepted with a scholarship to Falmouth Uni to undertake a masters course. I did my Ba there and I can't wait to get stuck into it. It's a flexible learning course and it means I can carry on working as a professional photographer and film maker.  I'll have more on that on a later post.