At what moment in history did the discursive desire to photograph emerge and begin to manifest itself insistently? At what moment did photography shift from an occasional, isolated, individual fantasy to a demonstrably widespread, social imperative ( Batchen, 1997)
I agree with Batchen on that this need to photograph everything has intensified and become normal, but has rapidly increased in the intensity and volume that we do take pictures of everything. I feel that it's having a negative effect on us in general and would like to get that into my work if possible. I think it's hard to comment on issues like this within my work without it becoming the primary message, I can try but I instantly feel doubtful of successfully doing so. I feel like work commenting on the negative affects of social media tends be so potent and direct that any other message can get drowned out but it.
One artist I found particularly interesting is Nastya Ptichek
Nastya Ptichek
Taken from
She is making statements about how we have evolved in our means of communication and expressing our selves. by using emojis and placing them on the Edward Hopper paintings. This juxtaposition of the classic fine art painting and the very brash and mundane emoji icons clash horrible but also seem fitting in this example perhaps with the use of colours. I think it works well because communication and all the new ways we do it has been so success-full that those icons really do connote something to us. They do so because they've been adopted on such a mass scale and are part of society and our culture now that they can be employed like Pticheck to (ironicly) comment on our disconnect that comes along with it.
And maybe Kafka was a writer
But I've been living like my name is Samsa - (lyrics from My Friend Chris)
One of my best friends at all times not least when I am hvaing a hard time coping with everything. The song ' My friend Chris' makes me think of the reversal role I have as a self employed photographer/film maker where 'Coco' is one of my best friends.