Podcast exert
R: It’s a community that comes together, you know within either a music scene or certain area that starts something off, usually getting the kids involved, cause once the kids are involved things kinda bubble under and build form there before anything become popular. It may take a yea, two years for something to start, then all of a sudden it’s the next big thing, but you know there’s been a lot of ground work put in.
I feel like i’m fairly lucky with the origins of this project born out of a relationship with punk rock. ZInes have been a staple part of the scene and I’ve explored them through the previous modules
It’s a great low fi way of reaching an audience and it is normally fairly low cost meaning its accessible to the community. Heavily used in the earlier days of punk in the 70’s and 80’s they were normally photocopied. Nowadays there is a rich culture of art in the punk rock scene and I talked about it briefly with Exhume an artist that also tuns a record label an episode of my Never Going Home Podcast.
I wanted to make sure tha I had materials available at the show as a way of generating money to cover the costs of production and also to support HATW. I feel like a lot of artists fail to realise how important it is to be successful in order to sustain a practice. It doesn’t mean you have make 6 figure sums but enough to keep going like materials and insurance equipment. It’s really interesting because we talk about it a lot in this podcast above but there are a lot of artists in the punk community and it has a rich history in photography and graphic design. Bands sell t shirts more than records now and it helps sustain their practice so I feel there is a lot to learn from all of these different disciplines.
I look at some of the earlier Punk scene photographers in this previous post link HERE
Minor Threat, Ed Culver.
I have already gone through and organised making the zine and sorting the prints out I wanted to have an online store where I can sell them much like other bands do with their merch. I think its working well lending all these cultural aspects of punk rock bands and applying it to the project it’s very fitting. Other artist’s sell posters and are doing things in this kinda way. One that springs to mind is Juno Calypso who is seeing lots success from it.
The Fantasy Suite. Juno Calypso.2016 - https://www.junocalypso.com