'Don't Write It Off' Punk Rock Documentary Film / by Chris Chucas

I am notoriously bad at keeping blogs but I am determined to really nail it this time, especially with squarespace new easy app. Im pretty impressed with all of it. Now....

Exciting new project......

The'Don't Write It Off'  this project has taken about 2 years for me to figure out equipment and other factors, and also free up time to undertake. So as long as I get some positive responses from my potential contributors then I should be set to finish filming by the end of year.

What do I want to do?

(taken from my proposal which is available here.

"Most punk rock bands that I see today are playing modest venues and saving money from their day jobs to record and tour. With songs steeped with feelings of powerlessness, uncertainty and existential angst, these bands reflect something profound about today’s world."
"I want to take a closer look at these artists. I want to know their take on what they do. What their music means to them, 'how they want to impact the world around them,what impression they want their music to leave on the people around them." - Chris Chucas

When do I want to do it?

I would like to have the majority of UK interviews filmed by August and then If circumstances permit film in America In Oct. Then hopefully have an edit out for spring 2016. All dependent on, how I fund it and what is arranged for distribution etc.

Who is the film for?

The film is for music fans of all kinds, people who believe in changing the world around them, and positive progressive thinkers.

What now then?

I'm currently reaching out to UK bands for contributors and after that I will be doing the same for the U.S..

After that I will schedule interviews and figure out travel. Then I will figure out distribution and time allotted for post production. I would love to set something up for a pay what you can download kind of deal. I need to spend some solid time on it in post (editing) whilst keeping the lights on. So may need to ask for help for that. So far I have invested over £6000 (with help) in equipment and developing workflows, software and basically being able to produce such a film self sufficiently. I have talks with Princes Trust and a handful of other places but nothing is solid as of yet. I will get this done somehow. Because it needs to be done.

Now to get on with it. 

Chris :)

Source: www.chrischucas.com