I was desperately keen to grow the reach of the project and most of the images I’ve shot have been with the south wales and the Bristol community. I managed to make it down to London to work with some people I’ve worked with before on the previous modules. Chris played in Hngman on the Larkhill tour I followed before. A long time has passed and he’s playing in a different outfit this time All Better. I had a hard time with time and location working with whatever I could carry across London on my back and figuring out what I could do with the environment around me.
All Better band, London, Chris Chucas 2018
Again with the production of these portraits I feel like the most important job is not the actual shooting or technical aspects but rather the relationship with the subject. I have previous history with these guys so it was almost impossible to have a formal or awkward pause. There’s always a lot of smiles and laughter probably from nerves, I always let this happen but more and more I’m letting awkward pauses hang on and not fixing them.
All Better band , London 2018 Chris Chucas
All better band, London .2018 Chris Chucas
It’s these little ‘awkward moments that I think tell more about a person than then standard way people want to be viewed. It’s almost like the veil has be snatched away for a very split second.