FMP Production June 30th - Useless Wooden Toys, Cornwall
untitled, Chucas.2018
I’m a firm believer in having a camera with me as much as possible. Sometimes I like take images with no particular thought out reason. I feel that it’s important, especially since I make a living from photography, I see a lot of other professionals slowly fall out of love with personal projects and not have a spark or any energy to go out and shoot.
I made contact with a Cornish band called useless wooden toys and made a trip down, i thought it would be good to get to as many different parts of the country as possble. Cornwall is similar to wales in that it is very large poor areas with run down and underfunded services. You can tell. It’s . strange place with a huge gap between working and higher classes. Lots of holiday 2nd homes and luxury art galleries on one hand and and the other very run down areas with underfunded police and NHS i think it’s really interesting socially and politically. I’ve lived in Cornwall for about 4 years to so i have my own personal relationship with it.
Exeter not quite Cornwall.Chucas 2018
Dave Shot me, Chucas.2018
I still like to experiment with passing the camera around for a ‘democratic‘ approach. I first came about with the idea from an earlier module LINK HERE .
Dave, Chucas. 2018
useless wooden toys.Chucas.2018
I shot a few very normal pr looking images as way of saying thankyou to the band for being involved. I’m not that interested in them but they could have a supporting role and be useful for the zines and have there a easier way in with punk rock audience to gain more of an audience for the art.
untitled, Chucas.2018
untitled, Chucas.2018
I keep to my visual strategies for making work fairly similar to whats been working already. I can defiantly see similarities in composition